This lightweight Cupcake Velvet Face Towel is a must-have for your daily cleansing routine.
Content: 1 x Cupcake Velvet Face Towel
Size: ~ 30cm x 30cm (when opened)
~ 8cm x 6cm (when folded)
Weight: ~ 26g
Material: Cotton
Color: As shown
Packaging: Organza Bag
Crafted by: Social Gifters X Minds
These crafts are created with friends from Minds Hub. Your support will empower us to help crafters find their true strengths, enabling them to be a giver instead of a mere beneficiary. Crafting can help to distract them from their illness, relieve their stress and allow them to earn a passive income.
Crafted by: Bernice
Bernice is a young lady with Autism who enjoys pasting stickers. Your purchase will enable us to keep her engaged at home and maintain her fine motor skills through crafting. She hopes to be able to share her differently-abled talent and artwork with our community through this platform.
Crafted by: Gek Teng & Gek Huee
This gift is proudly crafted by Gek Teng & Gek Huee, persons with Autism. Your gift will help the sisters stay engaged and develop critical fine motor, visual motor and sensory motor skills. They hope crafting will enable them to find their strengths and allow people to see them beyond their label.